Welcome to Savanna Rose Dance Studio!
Our classes, performances, and events at Savanna Rose Dance Studio are to fulfill our mission statement - "Empowering & Inspiring Dancers To Grow In Confidence, Integrity, and Their Passion For Dance".
We offer many forms of dance for children ages 2.5 through adults. Our dance season runs September-May. We offer classes in Creative Dance, Kids Combo, Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip hop, Musical Theatre, Lyrical, Pointe and More. We are located in downtown Brooklyn, Mi.
Our dance studio is a member of Dance Masters of America, and Dance Masters of Michigan.
Dance Masters of America, Inc. is an International Non-Profit Educational Organization of dance educators, who have been certified by test to teach; have had a professional dance career; have a degreed certification from an approved institution of higher education; or have successfully passed an exam in an approved professional dance organization.
We are also members of the Irish Hills Chamber of Commerce, Oh These Irish Hills, and the Brooklyn Kiwanis Club.
Savanna Spindelman (Studio Owner) won Irish Hills Chamber of Commerce 2024 Community Cheerleader Award
Home of 2023 Mr. Dance of Michigan - Lucas Rohlfs
Savanna Rose Dance Studio - Where It's Always A Dance Party!

Our 2024-25 dance season begins the week of September 9th and concludes in mid-May with our Annual Dance Recital. Tuition remains constant throughout the 9 months of the dance season and is due by the 10th of each month - the final tuition payment will be due by May 10th. Costume deposits are due in October, costume balances are due in February, and Recital Fees are due at spring pictures.
ONLINE REGISTRATION: Opens August 20th & will remain open through September www.savannarosedancestudio.com
Returning Dancers’ families will use their previous Dance Studio Pro account to register for the new dance season.
New dancers will need to make a Dance Studio Pro account to register for classes online.
-Brooklyn, Michigan - Onsted - Napoleon - Addison - Cement City - Somerset - Jackson - Jasper - Jerome - Grass Lake -
- Creative Dance - Ballet - Kids Combo - Tap - Jazz - Hip Hop - Lyrical - Competition Dance Team - Pointe -
-Summer Dance Camp - Summer Dance Sessions - Adult Dance Classes -